Thursday, December 1, 2011

Polangui Parish Church Visited

This is my second week on my old little home town  of Polangui and the places I visit always brings back memories of the olden days. The featured picture in this post is our old Sts. Peter and Paul parish church, built by the Spanish during their 300 year occupation of the Philippines.

Much of the old stone finishes of the church is now gone and it is replaced by concrete and paint. I wonder if it must have been very difficult to replicate the finish of the old stone walls because whoever decided the renovation of the church’s façade let it finished with cement plaster and paint.

I can still remember the moss laden stone walls of the church’s bell tower but I am sad to see it replaced with concrete and painted grey. They should have at the very least tried to retain the original material and fill up the gaps or whatever but having it painted tends to lessen its historical value and aesthetic quality.

In fairness to the Parish Pastoral Council and the people who helped restore the place, they have done a very good job in beautifying the patio and the “Cristorey”. The patio’s new look is a complete reversal from its sad state the last that I saw it more than 10 years ago.

As I walk the place, I recall my childhood, the first communion, the annual fiesta, Sundays and the holy week and it feels good to be back.

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