Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Little Architect and Graphic Artist

My little son Justin's artistic and creative ability is fast becoming evident and pronounced as he keeps growing up. Just a while ago, he called my attention and he showed me something he did on the computer. To my amazement, he drew doodles of the angry birds in full color using windows' built-in application Paint. I never taught him how to use or manipulate Paint but for some reasons he was able to do it impressively by himself. I'm so sure that even in school, where he is grade one, they do not have any computer subject yet.

His long time exposure with computers at home since he was a toddler might be one of the reasons why he finds it very easy to learn computer programs just by tinkering and curiously exploring everything he sees on the monitor. Even at this stage, he is already very proficient in using Google and Youtube for anything that catches his attention. As soon as he encounter a particular subject in everything he sees at home at school or in the neighborhood, he immediately googles it or search related shows in Youtube. Of course we let him do those things within our watch as he might stumble upon things that are not suitable for his age.

At this stage when we ask him what he wants when he grows up, he replies that he wants to be an Architect, like his proud daddy. There's some opposition from the mommy by the way, because me, the proud father never succeeded in earning the very elusive Architect's license for so may tries already. And since I am not a successful Architect, the wife looks at my career as something not worthy to be aspired for. I just keep on explaining that some things are not really meant to be but just maybe, our son will be the one who will fulfill that elusive Professional Architects' title and the money and prestige that comes with it.

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