Monday, June 27, 2011

Authors I would like to have lunch with

There are four authors who have made the most profound influence in my life just lately. How I wish I have read their books 17 years ago. I stumbled upon these magnificent human beings and their works just when I turned 41, Have I known them earlier, things could have been entirely different in my financial, spiritual, psychological and mental well being. Not to say that I have a handicap on these states but have I known that there are certain universal rules on which to play by in this thing called life, I could have grown a much better person today.

1. Napoleon Hill - his book Think and Grow Rich is the ultimate and the most powerful book that I have read that contains the true secret on how to grow ourselves as a person in the manner that we envisioned ourselves to be. I was made aware of this book by my former employer who I witnessed to have practiced and continuously applied the principles in the book. as true as the book says, my former boss is rich beyond imagination as a result of her constant life-long application of the principles.

2. Robert Kiyosaki - The book Rich Dad Poor Dad is a masterpiece that everyone should read. His life story as narrated on the book was filled with wit and humor. His insights on the ways of the rich, middle class and poor is so downright true and full of valuable lessons.

3. T. Harv Eker - The guy who wrote the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. The book is fantastically written and contains valuable tools and principles which we can practice easily.

4. Bo Sanchez - the only local author I include in the list. His works are the latest that I have read recently and the one which sprung me to action and made me invest in the stock market. Not contented with his books, I joined his seminar and his truly rich club . My discovery of him and his works was purely accidental. I just stumbled upon his ebook "My maids invest in the stock market" in the hard drive of my computer and I don't even know How it got there in the first place. I suspect that it must have came from the files of some of my friends who used to dump their files temporarily in my PC while theirs is being repaired by me. Reading the book made my heart beat so fast because I have been reading all sorts of books on financial literacy and freedom, especially the ones indicated on the first three items on this post but I really don't know where to start. I don't even know that for a very minimal amount, I can start investing in the stock market. The very moment I finished reading the ebook I ran fast towards the Philippine Stock Exchange building (which is just a few buildings away from our office) and opened an account at citisec online ( The procedure was fast and very easy and as soon as I received my username and password, I was buying stocks the next day :). My equity as of writing in four big companies is still insignificant but with God 's will and self-discipline to buy stocks every month, I'm so sure of the millions coming my way in a few years time. :)
You can try it out if you want, You may download Bo Sanchez' ebook on this link and see if you can imagine things the way that I do.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

If I could speak to a loved one who has passed

Two In Love

My mother...I wish I could turn back the time to speak to her. Hours before she collapsed and went into coma she was calling me on my phone. I was on the middle of a business meeting and I was unable to take her call. I sent a text message that I would return her call as soon as I get out of the meeting. But the meeting got overly late and I failed to call her back.

The next ring of my phone came from my brother who broke the news that my mom was rushed to the hospital. I could have ran and went to where she is that moment but I passed the night and went the next morning.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I had the full day of watching her from a distance because she's inside the ICU and in a state of coma. I kept on praying that she would open her eyes and talk to me so that I can say sorry to her for ignoring her call. But it did not happen.

By night time, she went into multiple heart attacks and the doctors tried their very best to revive her. One doctor ordered me to buy a certain medicine at that moment and I ran with all my might to the pharmacy and got back to where she is in no time but I was too late... she left without saying goodbye.. I failed her twice and I almost put the blame on myself for everything that happened to her. I wasn't able to ask for forgiveness.

If I could speak to her, I would say sorry and I will tell her how much I love her. The latter is the word I failed to convey to my mother when she was still alive. Had I told her those words, I'm very sure that she would be the happiest mother on earth. But I did not do it and I feel so ashamed and guilty.

How I wish I reciprocated her love for me in ways that she did to me unconditionally. I have this very bad habit of holding back my feelings to the people who I love and I learned a real hard lesson...

Show your love and tell that person how much you love her/him while you have the time because you will never know what will happen next... do it NOW an you'll never regret it.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

The hour I enjoy most


Going home to my wife and kid is always the most enjoyable hour of my typical weekday. The warm hug and kisses always completes my day. As soon as I step into the house with the warm welcome of my family, all the day's problems and stress vanishes and replaced by pure joy and happiness. I thank the Lord for blessing me with a happy family.

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