Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bo Sanchez' How to be Truly Rich Seminar

Last Saturday, May 14, 2011 I attended Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Seminar. I can consider that day a major turning point in my life. Upon seeing Bo speak live for the very first time, I was truly inspired by his stories. I have read those stories in his books and blogs but it was truly amazingly different seeing and hearing him live in person. His sense of commitment to his passion to help and the sense of humor in which he delivers his message is truly remarkable and without equal. I have literally gobbled and digested heartily the insights he gave to us regarding the way to become truly rich.

I have finally realized that I have so many wrong beliefs about money and that I was a total ignoramus when it came to financial literacy. I have been trying to become successful financially for the longest time but luck seem to be against my side. And it was all because I am totally ignorant of the ways and means of doing it. Had I known this wonderful man twenty years ago, my story would have been different. Nevertheless, I believe that God has mysterious ways of sending us his messages. The way he lead me to Bo was totally unexpected and came at a very opportune time when I was getting really saturated by self help books that deals with financial management and wealth. In spite of reading and trying to practice the principles in those books. I felt that something is terribly lacking because I cannot figure out how and when to start. Finally seeing the man in flesh and hear his insight gave me the needed impetus to propel into action.

Finally, I am practicing now the financial habits needed to change my current circumstances. I already have a modest investment in the stock market and I aim to grow it though slowly for the next ten to twenty years. Now I can finally say and imagine that I can be rich also like the others. In my next posts I will give the step-by-step procedures to investing in the stock market as Bo has outlined in his talks and best selling books. I hope that it will also be of help to any one who might chance upon this blog,

May we become rich and blessed.

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