Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Herbert W. Armstrong - Raising the Ruins by Stephen Flurry

During my teen years in the 80's I used to subscribe to the Plain Truth and Youth Magazines published by then Worldwide Church of God headed by the late Herbert W. Armstrong. I was a high school student that time and my routine outside of the school involves mainly staying at home and reading all sorts of books, magazines and booklets provided absolutely free of charge by the Pasadena, California based religious group. I was a very avid reader and follower of Mr. Armstrong's teachings and I was even a student of the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. I collected and read almost all of the books and booklets published that time and I can recall having a hard time trying to find a place for the stuff in our very small bamboo and "nipa" house which has only two rooms, one being our kitchen and the other the living room which used to be our  bedroom at night. Somehow I managed to keep all the stuff until my college days but due to the frequent typhoons that visit our hometown every so often, I was unable to preserve the printed materials. Had our house been made of concrete and galvanized roofing, there is a very big possibility that those materials could still be around till this day.

For so many years after I graduated from college and joined the work force, I totally forgot about the Worldwide Church of God and its free literature and teachings. I also lost track of Mr. Armstrong and I just recently found out his fate and what became of his church when I accidentally stumbled upon a magazine called "The Trumpet" and a hardbound book named "Raising the Ruins" in my home in the province. It turned out that my younger brother did not lose track and continued subscribing to the publications of the Worldwide Church of God or its offshoot which became Philadelphia Church of God after Mr. Armstrong's demise. I remember my younger brother which was a little kid then  used to fiddle with my magazines and booklets and somehow got attracted to the contents and became an avid fan himself while I totally forgot about it.

Anyway, after reading the magazine and the book, I suddenly remembered everything about Mr. Armstrong and his works and how it subconsciously influenced my thinking in my adulthood. I was deeply saddened upon knowing of the circumstances and events that transpired after Mr. Armstrong's death. The disintegration and eventual demise of the religious empire that he built was very akin to a classic and somewhat thriller movie which would make you loathe the protagonists. The conspiracy and the deception orchestrated by Mr. Armstrong's successor, was a treachery to the highest level. For one Mr. Armstrong himself should be blamed for his greatest mistake of appointing a successor which would become the one to destroy what he has started and painstakingly built for so many years. If he would have stuck to his original plan of relinquishing his powers to the council, things could have been very different today.

I salute Mr. Stephen Flurry, his father and the few faithful who stuck it out,persisted and worked hard to fight for Mr. Armstrong's legacy and for reviving Mr. Armstrong's writings and distributing it for free just like the old days. I feel guilty for forgetting about Mr. Armstrong and his works and for not having extended any support during all those years that his organization was embattled and under attack by the very persons that he trusted to continue his lifelong mission to spread God's word and to enlighten people about what the Bible really says. To make up for my shortcoming  in my own little way, I'm gonna help spread the word.


  1. I myself do strive to hold fast to those teachings of Herbert W Armstrong. But I don't go with those who change what he taught. Not trying to offend you or anyone, but , the PCG has changed what he taught. I still look to that truth that was restored to the church through Mr. Armstrong. And that truth is precious. I remember Mr. Armstrong saying that the Gospel is the conditions of the New Covenant. He also said that his writing's, Bible studies, Sermons, were to help the church become ready and fulfill those conditions. To make the New Covenant with Christ. Thus, what he taught was the part of the Gospel. Anyone who teaches differently is teaching a different gospel. I looked into most of the "Churches of God" and find that they don't teach all of the Gospel.But a slightly different one. I find when i compare the teachings and writings of the "churches" of God with what God taught through Herbert W Armstrong, there's something different between the two. I'm not saying believe me. You will have to research it yourself. I pray that we all find the Truth before it's too late.Thank you for your time.

  2. Hi Timothy, thank you for your insight and I do agree with you. I also don't go for those who changed Mr. Armstrong's teachings and values. I'm very interested in finding out in what ways the Philadelphia Church of God changed Mr. Armstrong's teachings. For now I am happy that I regained access to the books and literature that I used to read when I was still young and it feels good to get in touch with my former self. I wandered and got lost for too long and having the gospel near me once again brings back the values that I forgot in my perilous journey in this thing we call life. Thank you for dropping by and I hope that this would not be the last of our conversation. Have a good day :)

  3. Hello Litomella
    I is truly a blessing to hold the Truth of God.
    The Truth that was restored by God Through Herbert W Armstrong. Most people that have it don't realize the Value of What they hold.
    I've been researching the differences between Mr. Armstrong and the splinter groups for 3 years,(before that 10 years in the PCG) and found that my family and I, frankly the whole Church(The Spiritual Body) has been deceived. All the Churches teach that We are in the Laodicean Era of God's Church. Mr. Armstrong taught that that "era" would "start" when the Great Tribulation comes. And the Church would form and come out of the Great tribulation(144,000)>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnT6F1-KlYI
    Here are some sermons and Bible studies by Mr. Armstrong that he explains this subject-
    Gal 5-6(excerpt is the above video)
    Mark of the Beast
    Warning to the Church
    There are many more, but can't seem to find which ones right now.
    Another thing they(PCG) changed was the Prophesied "Push" (Dan 11:40) They say that the King of the South is "Iran" and the push is yet future. Mr. Armstrong wrote in his booklet "The Middle East in Prophecy" that the push was "Fulfilled"
    Here is the original Un-abridged version
    Also the King of the South is NOT "Iran", by Mr. Armstrong's own writing he says that Iran (Persia) will align itself with the Kings of the east.
    Russia and China in Prophesy original
    They also claim(and so do all the other splinter groups) that they are finishing the Matt 24:14 commission. Mr. Armstrong said that this was a "Prophesied commission, a Prophesy" And that God has called him to fulfill that commission and prophesy. I wouldn't think that God would call Mr. Armstrong to do a job and leave it unfinshed, for somebody to pick up where he left off. Mr. Armstrong explains some of this in the following sermon>>>
    There is alot more but not enough space to put it here.It is more devious than I thought it was. Satan is doing a good job in deceiving people. All we can do is to Hold fast to What we were taught through Herbert W Armstrong, and turn away from other "gospels".
    I also hope that this would not be the last of our conversation. Thank you for your time.

  4. Also a note, I do not "worship" Herbert W Armstrong. I've been accused of that for some time. and I just wanted for you to know that. I worship the God that is behind His "messenger" (Herbert W Armstrong) I heard and I believed and saw what he was teaching was clearly from the Bible. I believe the Bible and will remember the Teaching from God's teacher. Thanks again, Hope you have a great sabbath.

  5. Thanks for the links Timothy. You sure is very knowledgeable about the teaching of Mr. Armstrong. This is actually my very first time to hear the voice of Mr. Armstrong. Had the Internet been around during those old times, he could have been a Youtube sensation. My familiarity with Mr. Armstrong's works was mainly acquired through reading materials. Even if his voice was already on the air waves and television that time, we really didn't have access to those. Heck we don't even own a TV during the 80's and even so, it's not broadcasted here in the Philippines. It's good that people like you preserved and uploaded those teachings and sermons in the Internet for everyone to have access to.It's highly appreciated.

  6. I totally agree with you, He would be a sensation. but maybe that is why he was sent when he was. If he was popular he wouldn't be working for God. The Truth isn't popular with the world. That is why it is a Hard job for God's People. Mr. Armstrong Warned this world of what was coming. We are to remind people of that warning, and remind them who God sent to give us that message. Not to focus on the messenger, but the message(the world already does that with Christ. They focus only on the messenger, NOT the message!)
    For more sermons and messages here's a link
    There is so much here I haven't listened to them all.
    I agree with you, if the Internet(as we know it) was around when MR. Armstrong was here, He would have utilized that to the fullest of his capabilities. I think he would of loved to be here and see prophesy being fulfilled. But on the other hand, I think he would be Heart broke, seeing what has happened to the Church, and what is happening. It's our time of measuring. Are we willing to stand alone and alone have the faith of God and face what is coming? Now is the time to see if we can walk, but only with God's help we will. God is testing us. Seeing if we will Hold Fast to the Truth that was given to us.
    Thanks again for your time. It is very much appreciated.
