Friday, July 22, 2011

Someone who has influenced the way I see the World

T. Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker, the author of the best selling book, secrets of the Millionaire mind. For the longest time in my 41 years of existence, I was unaware of my own blueprint. Through his book, I was able to snap out of the bondage of the old blueprint with which I was unconsciously living for the longest time.

According to Harv, everyone of us has our our blueprint which influences the way we think, decide, do thing and see the world. He admonished that rich and poor people have totally opposite views of the world. And those views have been brought about by the person's life experiences and influences as he grows up to adulthood and old age.

As I was born and raised in a poor family, I viewed the world from the perspective of a poor man. Until I stumbled upon Harv's work, I didn't know that my poor mindset is one of the reasons why I am where I am right now.

Harv's book was like heaven sent to me. With it, I became aware of the causes of my present situation and I learned the ways on how to change my present situation and my destiny.

Right now, I am on the way to independence and finally correct the course that I was taking in the game of life.

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