Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Miss Adgitize

Since the closure of Adgitize last month, my android-googler blog's page views and ranking has dropped drastically. For the last quarter of 2011, I have been enjoying more than a thousand page views every day and i feel so good about the prospect of achieving at least three hundred thousand page views for the year 2012 given the daily stats.

Adgitize's system works very well for my sites but it is very saddening to hear from Ken Brown, its founder, that running the system is more expensive than the revenues that it gets from advertisers. The closure came into a time  when I was seriously considering upgrading to the paid service. Luckily for me, the closure announcement was dispatched before I punched in my paypal account to pay for monthly advertising at Adgitize.

For my three months of free subscription from Adgitize, I only managed to generate 66 cents and I don't expect it to be credited into my paypal account knowing that the first payout is 10 dollars. That amount was generated by one of my PTC or Paid to Click membership in only a few days. Lucky for the members who have been into Adgitize since day one on its three years of existence.

One thing that I appreciate from Adgitize is the inspiration to write a blog post everyday to get paid. Because of Adgitize  I was able to force myself to write a post daily. Upon closing of Adgitize and removal of the ads in my blog, I am slipping back into one post a week as evidenced by this first post for the year 2012. That should not happen and I should be able to get back on track the soonest time possible.